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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Intro to Techno day a day

Hernandez, Angel
Duran, Brandon
Centeno, Victor

Angel: I am hard working and I like to get my work done and I never give up on a job because I know that giving up is not a good way to stop.

Victor: I get my work done when I have work to do and am usually the leader in the team because I am hard working and I never give up.

Brandon: I am very quiet but when my team needs me to help them on something that there doing I am always there to help them to complete the work.

At the beginning of the school you were weren’t really a team because we didn’t really know each other so we wont talk to each other as a team. But as we went longer in the school year our teacher Mr. Casas would make us do team/group work and then we would all start talking to each other and now all of us talk as a team so we could get work done. I think it was a good idea that our teacher made us work as a team because we didn’t really talk when we didn’t have team work and now that we have team work assignments it forces us to talk.
We are trying to get people more informed about using technology and try to get them to use it more often. Every year the usage of the computer rate are going up by a lot. But we are trying to get computer so they can use the Internet. So by the end of the school year we are going to try to get computers in every class. Also we are trying to get the parents involved and get informed because without the parents then there kid wont be able to use the computers at the house cause they don’t have one. So what I’m trying to say is if we get the parents involved then the student would have a computer at home so they can have Internet usage.
            We are from Roosevelt high school and our small school is CNMT. Our community is at Boyle heights at Mathews Street and 4th street. The city that we live is at Los Angeles C.A. we come from humbles families that show us how to be respectful with the others. In this area we are most people how lives here are Hispanics and celebrates different cultures
We are creating this blog for people could know about the new technology. Also we are trying to show people the difference between the passed technology and the future technology. The other reason is to people to get involve in the use of the new equipment also to know what’s going on between the technology and earth. The earth can be safe trough out this new way of communication. Also to transmit this information to all the future generations to be inform of what happened around the world and try to support each other.
We are going to work in team each of us getting one subject to look for and plug into the blog. Also by uploading new things each time we get into it and letting people know their uses. We can search for information in the Internet of what we need to start our blogs and continue with uploading things to our blog. Also write samples of the blog information before upload it to the blog. All of us are going to give opinions on how we want the blog look like. Each of us is going to give their perspectives on the writing that is going to be in the blogs.

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